domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

I’ve seen Synecdoche, New york. It’s protagonized by Philip seymour Hoffman and directed by Charlie Kaufman. I’ve seen it in home about two years ago. It's a drama movie that tell the story of a director of theatre from the beginning of a new play. Its life began to fell apart when his marriage ends and he stops seeing his daughter. After that, he continuously try to find a deep meaning on his life to communicate on his play, spiritual and universal, but that never seems to come. All this happens in a surreal world in which the reality is surprising in strange ways and moments, and the protagonist do not seems to have any notion of the time that passes in between the events in the movie. 
The melancholy presented in the life of the protagonist and the effort that he puts into the realization of the play are two sides of a strange coin in which the play represents himselfs developing the play, and the search of meaning in art becomes the search of meaning of his own existence. As the time goes forward we might believe he starts living to create the plot of the play, and in a single movement create the two meanings. To his deception, he only finds a recursively complex circuit of emptiness and desolation, and the strikeback of the unsolved troubles related to the separation of his first family.
Even though this is not a happy movie, it’s somehow heartwarming and in the toughness of the narration of the pain there is something at the same time universal and intimate, proppe of the spaces in ourselves that we can hardly share or notice easily and because of this reasons, might be a message made for movies and art.
When i ‘ve got to think about been angry i can hardly find reasons to legitimize it. I can’t stand for the discourses that give utterance to moral and common goodness and well being on the basis of being upset, because of being upset. So i find unacceptable the fact that to speak of justice we’ve got to show how our pure spirit is annoyed by life. As if to get angry would be the natural way of reacting to injustice, his unquestionable trace and the motor of moral coordination. I usually call to be suspicious of things just to good to be truth and this seems to be one of them. Moreover, the danger on the legitimation of a social crusade on the divine gift of being angry together as common people is that we are more open to see as visioners just people who is bitter, and convert the bitterness in empathy. And to be moral we have to cultivate anger, the vision of widespread misery and the notion of being surrounded by victims. This all can be truth, might, in our country, be probably true. But being angry can't tell us about the total ways of injustice that operate in a society, and i it's going to veil the less emotional or intuitively consequences of the structures of interaction. 
I think that change things is necessary to separate the social of the individual, to give less credit to the precision which with our emotional needs can demark social situations and understand them as mere caprice

viernes, 24 de junio de 2016


Hi dear reader.
I’m a Chilean student. According to any thinkers, the political system of my country is a limited democracy, because the sovereignty has been taken to the people. The social movements struggle against authoritarian enclaves and require profound transforms in the social structure, the politics system and the order of production, mainly social rights, a new constitution, equality between sexual identities, etc. For example, since 2001, the Chilean students lead an ample movement for the education, but his claim have not become laws despite being majority. The political system is really closed to the majority and that impede concrete transformations in education.

The social world of the people common is divorced of the politics. Therefore, when we need transform anything, the students stopped, we take our classes and schools, colleges and university campuses. The normal academy activities are interrupted and that means our training costs. Therefore, the mobilization should be responsible, with important objectives. In fact, the key to sustaining the protest is an important motive for mobilization. But, if we want people to participate, it is necessary that good motives are accompanied by creative ways, such as dances, forums, classes deepen demands, interventions in public spaces that encourage most. Only in this way the loss of classes makes sense. Anyway, then you have to survive the return to normality.

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016


Hi dear reader!
Today, i am going to write about chrysanthemum, my favorite flowers. My objective is arguing about his beauty and persuade about his importance to go up the spirit. First, I’m going to talk about his form and color. Then, I’m going to speak about the symbolism of this flower.
Well, the chrysanthemum is a flower with a lot and little petal. His stem is short and he sprouts in pile, with a lot flowers. This flower has form of pompom, but is a flower. Therefore, the chrysanthemum is a semicircle of petal in pile. What is more, if you want imagine really, you need overlap infinite stairs of petal, one over one. Now, the color of chrysanthemum is varied. This flower can be violet, yellow, red, orange and shade of these colors. Though, in any case, the color of my favorite flower is intense, strong.

But, not only is a beauty flower. Some people think what does these flower have a mystical importance. In Japan, the position of imperator tell “throne of chrysanthemum” because this flower represent the spirit of the nation. In china, this flower is symbol of wisdom and integrity. In Mexico, if you gift this flower, you are declared love. This beauty is surprising, amazing. These colors are inspirited, intense and connect with the strength of nature. Many people deposit his admiration in his petals. For all this, the chrysanthemum can you go up your spirit. Personally, when I feel unhappy, look my garden and feel better because I see my favorite flower. 

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

My (disaster) presentation

I am going to write about my dissertation in the subject of English. Today, in my presentation, i feel panic. I don't speak English, never. I don't know pronounce and I feel stupid when talk English. I love the sounds of the words in English, but I can't present. My topic was about my favourite thinkers, Karl Marx. He weren't sociologist, he thinkers the social reality in all forms, not only in "sociology". He thinks the politics, the economist, the injustices, the culture but I can't present. This situation is paradoxical because, in Spanish, i can presentation, even without prepare to presentation.
Finally, my presentation was a disaster. I can't explain correct the theory of value of Karl Marx and read many. My nerves betray my presentation. I don't know confront the scary.

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

technological tools for studying English

Hello dear reader :
Today I will talk about technological tools. Specifically , I will discuss technological tools for studying English .
My English teacher gave us the task to use some websites because on Thursday we had classes. By opening the links , I found different activities. For example , complete sentences, answer test, read articles about technology or answer a poll about internet. Really, it was very hard to answer the test or read, because my English is too poor. Someday, I asking to my, can speak English? But, the idea of technological tools is to help with our problems. For example,  if I exercise every day in this page web, I learn the languages more easy.
This is all for today. What do you think about technological tools for learning english?


jueves, 14 de abril de 2016


Hi, dear reader:
Look is an exercise daily. All times, you look light, texture, colours, figure, but do you enjoy look? look is amazing because you feel the world by means of eyes. For that reason, I love the Kaleidoscope.
With this object, you can look the images twist, mistery and beautiful of the light, you can multiply the colours, you can break the images and her ambition of unit. I used a kaleidoscope when I'm boring of the obvious, when need think great beyond. I used every weekend.
Since 2011, when my school was strike, i have my Kaleidoscope. I remember the day when i discover the amazing of this object: with my best friend were searching file in any office of the school and, between administrative papers, saw a Kaleidoscope. I looked for his tube and the ligth was reflected for the mirror interior. One week after, i bought my kaleidoscope.
His shape is simple: a tube with a glass sphere in an extreme. But, with a simple shape, the Kaleidoscope permit see fantastic images.


jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

My great moment

Hi, dear reader!
Today is a nostalgic day. I remember my scholar life and think in my enjoyable prank. I was a funny teenager because my friends were disorganized, creative and impulsive. Well, this group were great, we were talking about art, ours body, social science, ours problem, ours dream or anything. I love this years, i lived my days more happy.
In my "enjoyable prank", i remember when, with my friends, we visited the library of my school. We searched books, pictures or videos interesting for six teenager hungry for thinking and know. But, we were impulsive whereby quickly work it for more funny. In the dark, i undress me and started run. When my friends saw to my, they started to laugh and they tried take a photo. Finally, I accepted the photo, but i cover something of my body. In day as this, I remember the moment and I feel happy, because this moment is a great, an amazing moment. I like remember, but dislike my routine undergraduate.

If you want to see my photo, here it is.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

What's new today?
Hello! that is my first post. My name is Gabriel Rojas. I'm from Nacimiento, a place in Bio Bio's district. Bathed for the Bio Bio river, my place is dreamed, with his forest, his fortress and -over all- his people. My family has live in this place since the century XVIII. My mother, his mother and the mother of my grandmother was born in Nacimiento.
I talk about this, beacause i think that you need know the history of people for know about someone. Well, actually i live in Santiago. I course my second year of sociology. I love the social research, the theory and the methodology because you can explain someone social phenomenon.
Dear reader, that is all for today!
If you are interested, comments!

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