sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

technological tools for studying English

Hello dear reader :
Today I will talk about technological tools. Specifically , I will discuss technological tools for studying English .
My English teacher gave us the task to use some websites because on Thursday we had classes. By opening the links , I found different activities. For example , complete sentences, answer test, read articles about technology or answer a poll about internet. Really, it was very hard to answer the test or read, because my English is too poor. Someday, I asking to my, can speak English? But, the idea of technological tools is to help with our problems. For example,  if I exercise every day in this page web, I learn the languages more easy.
This is all for today. What do you think about technological tools for learning english?


1 comentario:

  1. Well, my english is very basic. Sometimes is a problem, but I learn every day :)


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