jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

What's new today?
Hello! that is my first post. My name is Gabriel Rojas. I'm from Nacimiento, a place in Bio Bio's district. Bathed for the Bio Bio river, my place is dreamed, with his forest, his fortress and -over all- his people. My family has live in this place since the century XVIII. My mother, his mother and the mother of my grandmother was born in Nacimiento.
I talk about this, beacause i think that you need know the history of people for know about someone. Well, actually i live in Santiago. I course my second year of sociology. I love the social research, the theory and the methodology because you can explain someone social phenomenon.
Dear reader, that is all for today!
If you are interested, comments!

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice post Gabriel! You forgot to put that you are really interested in pollitics haha! Emancipated hugs for you!

  2. Hello Gabriel. Is great know in the place that was you born. And join me the comment of the Matìas, you forgot to put you really interested in politics hahaha. Regards.


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